Deborah Blum - The Poisoner's Handbook - mp3

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10/16/18 at 10:05am GMT+1
File size:
347 MB in 13 files

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File list

  • Deborah Blum - The Poisoner's Handbook - mp3
  • icon 01 The Poisoner's Handbook_ Murder and the Birth of Forensic M.mp3 5.7 MB
    icon 02 Chapter 1_ CHLOROFORM (CHCl3) 1915.mp3 28.8 MB
    icon 03 Chapter 2_ WOOD ALCOHOL (CH3OH) 1918–1919.mp3 31.3 MB
    icon 04 Chapter 3_ CYANIDES (HCN, KCN, NaCN) 1920–1922.mp3 32.5 MB
    icon 05 Chapter 4_ ARSENIC (A s) 1922–1923.mp3 35.3 MB
    icon 06 Chapter 5_ MERCURY (Hg) 1923–1925.mp3 31.4 MB
    icon 07 Chapter 6_ CARBON MONOXIDE (CO), PART I, 1926.mp3 29.5 MB
    icon 08 Chapter 7_ METHYL ALCOHOL (CH3OH) 1927.mp3 29.9 MB
    icon 09 Chapter 8_ RADIUM (Ra) 1928–1929.mp3 25.1 MB
    icon 10 Chapter 9_ ETHYL ALCOHOL (C2H5OH) 1930–1932.mp3 34.4 MB
    icon 11 Chapter 10_ CARBON MONOXIDE (CO), PART 2, 1933–1934.mp3 24.1 MB
    icon 12 Chapter 11_ THALLIUM (Tl) 1935–1936.mp3 34.4 MB
    icon 13 EPILOGUE_ THE SUREST POISON.mp3 5.1 MB

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